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American Native Issues
To be vanquished and
This remains an excellent
source for news
October 2008 Two recent news stories are offered here today: a huge decline in Mohegan Casino Gambling profits and the Bush's padding of the family assets. The story about the Bush's should come as no surprise to anyone who has watched this family for the past twenty years: Bush Family Cleaning up on Land Transfers
September 2008 There are so many awesome advances being made today in renewable Alternative Energy, as with this new Native Company started recently by Native musician Lightfoot: Native Company Launches Wind Energy Project
So why then, are Native People still being terrorized by dirty power companies? This is an excellent encapsulation of the Power struggle many Nations have had to deal with for too many years. Coal and Native American Tribal Lands
October 2006 This letter was received from a friend dear to Walkingfox and I several days ago. It is posted here without alteration or permission. Please respond to Chief Van Dunk and support them if you are near enough to do so. From:
Anthony Jay Van Dunk
Anthony Jay Van Dunk
January 2006 An update....... Over the weekend, I called a close friend and asked him to double check on the validity of the disturbing story below. I had a strange feeling when I did not see an author for the story, but not the time to do any in depth searching before leaving for the weekend. He sadly advised me that the terrible story found at their web site was a complete fraud. It would seem that this paper named The Onion writes parodies, something not obvious to me when I read just that one particular story last week. My thought is this. What kind of humor could anyone, especially any American Native in this country find in that story after the way that we have been decimated by outsiders for the past 300 years? And as an animal lover, I am also curious as to how funny it would be to these persons if someone killed their beloved pet? What a very sad way to make a living. I sincerely apologize for any pain that this false and terrible story may have caused anyone, I was in a hurry to leave for the Coast and did not stop to verify the accuracy or source of the story as it had been forwarded to me by a very close friend whom I trusted. Something that I will never do again. January 2006 Several issues are causing concern to Native people right now. The first is the story of a Cherokee man and his family in Georgia who have been evicted from their home and shipped off to Oklahoma. It would seem that there is a hundred year old law in Georgia which allows the local authorities to evict Indians from their homes and send them packing to a Reservation. Not sure where the law says that it is also fine to murder their pets, but this was also done to this particular family. Their very disturbing story can be found here:
The second issue which is written very well is here:
And lastly, don't forget to keep your eye on Lobbyist, Abramoff, who is spilling his guts out in Washington right now. He will probably not do jail time, but if he does, hopefully he will take many down with him. The story about him is here: They just cannot resist the juicy carrot dangling in front of their mouths called Casino money. March 2005 After months of silence, it seems apparent that there are subjects in need of discussion. A time long ago when I was a child, there was an innocence to the world and things and people were usually what they appeared to be. But it is a different world we live in now and sometimes it seems that there are not many who still care about the old ways of honesty, integrity and dignity and even fewer willing to stand up for these things and do what we know is right. It would seem that many of us have become instant gratification junkies, whose function in life is simply in what new pleasure we can buy.
What is prominent in news about American Natives this week, "the news", what an awful place to gather information, is that we, American Natives, have now become political fodder for the Government. They all choose sides and then as was the case with Former Governor Dean of Vermont, Senator Lieberman of Connecticut and many others, they reverse sides when the subject concerns Natives and the terrible "R" word. Recognition!
In many parts of this country today, American Natives are being told that they are not really Natives and many who have been given either State or Federal recognition are having it revoked. In Vermont, Abenakis are fighting for their very being as Native people in an uphill battle with a doubtful outcome. In the Iroquois Nation, Traditionals are being pushed aside so that those who favor Casinos may be seen as the new face of their people. The words ID cards and numbers are being thrown about and Native people everywhere are pointing fingers and calling those who do not have them not "really Natives".
As we travel this land we see and hear things that are distressful and even alarming. It would seem that many Natives are on a path with only two possible outcomes, neither of which are acceptable to some of us. The one side pushes for Recognition, Casinos, Tribal ID numbers and cards and the monetary rewards they believe will accompany it, the others shun this fearing that the evils of gambling, Casinos and Government controls will surely bring heartbreak to all who succumb to it.
Something we had not considered until it was recently pointed out to us by a Lakota Traditional who will never read this, because he "doesn't do computers" is that the blood quantum percentage system that the Government currently uses to categorize "card carrying Indians" is really just another form of Genocide. As each generation marries and has children, unless they only marry full bloods, what ever that means, the amount of blood quantum will continue to decrease until finally, just as was planned, American Natives will have eliminated themselves completely.
So, as we watch, Nations of Native people are lining up and taking sides, as are the politicians. Where will the journey take us all? The Ancestors are watching
and waiting for us to get it right. December 2004 For those who have offered kind letters of support over the nearly 8 year tenure of this web site, this topic may be somewhat alarming. So, I am offering this as a warning for any of you with your own web sites. What has happened to me could happen to you. Recently, I received a series of emails from a company called Register.com. At first, the letters seemed confusing and somewhat vague, but by the fourth one, I began to feel a sense of urgency and finally responded by calling their 800 number. It would seem that someone out there liked my web site so much, that he had initiated the process of taking it. Now you may be inclined to disparage this at first, but please do not. I am quite fortunate that Network Solutions, the company who has held my domain name/web site since its inception, had done something with out my knowledge, that may have saved me a great deal of heartache/heartbreak, they had put a lock on my domain name/web site. For those of you not familiar with the terminology, this is meant to prevent would be internet thieves and hackers from taking a domain name/web site and moving it to a new Host and claiming it as their own. This person identified in the emails from Register.com as Eric Kuckuk, this may or may not be his real name they said, is trying to steal what I have spent many years of my life creating, my web site. Now, anyone who knows me would tell you that this is a big mistake, on his part, HUGE!! I am not only Native, but Irish and Scottish as well and this combination of genes makes for a person who can be stubborn beyond sensibility. I have no intention of losing my web site to this or any other fool because of the new rule from ICANN that went into effect November 12, saying that if a web site is not locked, it is free for the taking. Representatives from both Register.com and Network Solutions have indicated that this new rule may cause trouble for many poor unsuspecting people. It appears that few if any domain/web site owners have been alerted to this new rule and the possible impact it might have on them by those thoughtful people at ICANN. Web site thieves are now able to move unlocked web sites to new homes and then hold them hostage, until their owners pay them to get them back. This would be blackmail, right? Nice move on the part of ICANN. So, I offer this advice to those of you out there with domain names/web sites that you have spent many years creating and nurturing, get them locked up, keep them paid up and keep your eyes open. And my advice to you Eric Kuckuk, or whoever you are, "go build your own web site". November 2004 Now that the Presidential elections are over, many American Natives must learn to cope with a future that will certainly include four more years of neglect for our environment and our people. So, it is time to return to the issues that some of us face everyday in our lives. These may seem innocuous at first, but perhaps not after considering all the facts. Over the past three years, we have participated in events called pow wows all around the country, many of which have had a communality in their complete lack of respect for Traditional Native people and their culture. A few examples follow without making reference to who or where: At the top of this list would have to be the use of alcohol and drunken brawls taking place on Reservation grounds by the nation putting on a pow wow. Another was an MC whose disparaging remarks and dictatorial attitude nearly spawned a riot and ended a pow wow. A group of paratroopers landed in the middle of the circle at one pow wow and in another they shot off rifles during the Veterans dance. At a recent "pow wow" a so called "Spiritual leader" led a group of non Native into a circle, where they were given the opportunity to participate in not only a sacred pipe ceremony, but also the four directions prayer inside the circle. Earlier that morning, a costumed caricature had been dancing around in this circle entertaining the crowd. This same circle was "blessed" so many times that weekend, that it became a joke to the Natives who were there. What bothered most of us was the fact that these non Natives, right off the street, were in a circle taking part in what should have been very private ceremonies done either very early in the morning or late in the day and always before outsiders or non Indians were around to observe, let alone take part in. Incidents like these have been happening all over Native Country, as noted in this interesting story from October 5, 2003 in Native Press: cont., October 2004 I regularly receive emails from non Natives all over this country and even the world, who want me to tell them how to perform sacred pipe or sweat lodge ceremonies. I am not qualified, nor do I wish to suggest, that I could attempt to do this. Lately, it seems that people are becoming Medicine men nearly overnight, carrying silly fake staffs with Turkey feathers into circles and putting their hands on people telling them that they are "healed". Others who are not even qualified are giving people their "Native names". MC's are sitting at microphones insulting the non Natives who come to the pow wows and blasting them with hate and venom from the 300 years past. No wonder attendance is down at many pow wows in this country. Why would anyone want to pay to go to an event where they are verbally battered. The news story above speaks of selling American Native culture, but we are not selling it, we are allowing it to be stolen. Non Native groups all over this country are putting on pow wows and profiting from Indian culture, forming committees of non Natives with perhaps a single token Native and then bringing in a few Natives to perform for the crowds. What follows is a parody at best. All weekend long at these pow wows, non Natives are led to believe that what they are seeing is what American Natives are all about: the dollar pipes, rubber snakes, bows and arrows from Taiwan, the face painting and a myriad of imported goods being sold by people who are supposed to be "real" American Natives. The wealthy Casino Nations put on elaborate extravagances that draw thousands of people, but what happens there is mostly all about the huge sums of prize money for the drums and the dancers. The tiny poorer nations and there are many of them, struggle to put on a pow wow each year hoping to keep their culture and traditions alive. Few outsiders come to these "little" local pow wows and even fewer support them in their vigil to maintain their Traditional Native culture. If all that we are left with in this country are the non Native and Casino pow wows, Traditional Native culture may rarely be seen by the outsiders whose support we will desperately need if we are to secure its future. Because they are the majority in this country and they elect the politicians, as was just witnessed by this Presidential election, who make the laws that will determine our future. In the end, no matter how many brilliant American Native lawyers we have, they have many hundreds more. What is at stake for them is the usual, money. What is at stake for American Natives is a way of life. October 2004 As the Presidential election approaches, the TV ads are getting nastier. Tonight Cheney and Edwards will debate? What a strange term for what will actually occur. The last debate was mostly about dirty looks and did very little to enlighten the undecided voter. Neither man came away looking like a strong leader, but each was probably assured by their people that they had done a superb job. Too bad we can't just take away all of the rules and posturing and make this a real battle of wits. These are after all two Yale graduates, so they should be able to make intelligent conversation, right? Would we be able to learn more about who these two men really are without their staffs to shield them? Hard to say. This is probably the most important election of my life and I plan to vote next month. I hope that every person in this country whose family and lives have been affected by the current administration will also do the same. A new ad by Robert Redford can be found on this web site: It is about our environment and the way that the Bush administration has treated/mistreated it. Hopefully, you will find the time to review this commercial and then do whatever your heart and conscience dictate. But what ever you do, please vote in this Presidential election. If you don't, then please do not complain about the way things are, because you will have done nothing to try to make them better. September 2004 The Presidential campaigns are now fully engaged, each side making the usual promises, but saying little new to those without jobs, money or in some instances, hope. We must forget the past, forget Florida, the hanging chads, the blocked polling places, the crooked politicians, the lies, deceit, fraud and ultimately the bitter disappointment felt by all of those in this country who did not vote for Bush. All of the terrible things that happened in the 2000 election are now a part of history. We need to change policy in this Country, we must take back our Government and the way to do this is to VOTE in this Presidential election. Staying away in disgust in November, will only guarantee that the present administration will be kept in place and continue unabated. Your right, your privilege to vote came at the cost of many thousands of lives and their sacrifice must not be in vain. It is your duty as an citizen of this country to do one thing in November, please for all of our sakes, please VOTE! July 2004 Freedom of Speech is not really an American Native issue, as we have had so little of it over the past few hundred years. But now, the apparent lack of it in this season of heated Presidential politics makes it evident that if you are not a supporter of the current administration, you should and will be silenced, one way or another. Linda Rondstat, Whoopi Goldberg and before them, the Dixie Chicks were all rebuked for pretty much the same reason, they publicly objected to the way this country is being run and the person and persons doing so. This dangerous precedent now set in motion must make those who may share their opinions wonder where it will end. The fact that they are all women, may or may not be part of the equation, however, one thing is clear, these very opinionated women were punished for their opinions. What does this mean for the rest of us as the November elections draw near? Should we all be afraid to speak out against this President and his behavior for fear of reprisal? As the winner of the last election was eventually determined by illegal voting and counting procedures, one wonders if the outcome of this election will become the victim of threats of retaliation, implied or real? Only we can change the course of this country and we must do so with our vote. June 2004 The Oneida Indian Nation has become, as have many others, divided between those who favor Casinos and all that comes with them and the Traditionals, who seek to keep the old ways of the Ancestors. The current situation in New York with these strong and proud people, has two sides and both must be known to understand what is happening there.
Please see both of these web sites to learn more: May 2004 This may not seem like a American Native issue to you at first glance, but consider this. In Utah, there exists a pristine place called Nine Mile Canyon and there is a plan to invade this area that has been the safe home to Ancient Indian writings or petroglyphs for thousands of years. You may read the whole story here: http://www.nationaltrust.org/11Most/2004/nine_mile_canyon.html
The purpose of this proposed intrusion is for oil exploration. Our country is now so terribly dependent on cheap energy, that we have become what I refer to as fuel junkies. Very few people have been willing to pay the higher costs for solar and or other sources of renewable energy until now, but perhaps this current situation may help change that. As the current gas prices get higher and even become unavailable in some places, wait and watch what we become like in this country again. Anybody remember the gas lines of the 70's? Some gas station owners here in Connecticut are now simply hanging up closed/no gas signs and are switching to other business that might actually allow them to make a living unlike selling gas, as in auto repairing. The point of all of this is this.
The present administration of this country has continued to threaten every part of this Continent with oil development, from Alaska to the Rockies, or any place that might produce oil or gas. Mr. Bush, his family and close friends are all quite well invested in 4 major categories of stock: oil/fuel, war/weapons, energy and beef and the value of these particular stocks has skyrocketed over the past three years. Mr. Bush and his group of investors have all made huge fortunes and we are paying the bills, in both dollars and lives:
Oil land leases consolidated among big, White House-tied companies
The current plan to run amuck through Nine Mile Canyon with it's fragile treasures of Ancient Indian Writings would hardly bring a raised eyebrow to this man and his fellow investors, but I fear that the worst may be in the future for any area that Mr. Bush may be able to profit from. The energy disaster 2 years ago in California was eventually blamed on Enron, a company very close to Mr. Bush and as California has never been very cordial to him, Bush in return, showed little concern for the millions there who suffered from this. February 2002 For nearly three years since moving here to Connecticut, I have driven up Route 395 and sadly observed the use of the word Squaw for a road that passes over it. After the many recent events in this country regarding the use of logos, mascots and this shameful word, it is amazing to me that not one Native in this state, to my knowledge, has objected to the name of this road or even suggested that it should be changed to something else. Am I the only one here who finds the continuing use of this word for public place names reprehensible? Are we in Connecticut not as forward thinking as those in the state of Maine who banned the use of this hurtful word nearly 2 years ago? November 2001 A National Day of mourning at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts UAINE leader Wampanoag Moonanum James (far right with Sachem Walkingfox) photos by Donna Jones
Once again this year Walkingfox and I spent this day of mourning, or Thanksgiving as it is known to the rest of America, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, participating in a remarkable day of solemn prayers and passionate speeches, on Cole's Hill followed by a quiet march to the top of Post Office Square to learn about the brutal history of this place and Metacom or King Phillip. The day ended with a wonderful dinner graciously served by our UAINE hosts and was enjoyed by all who had come to lend their support to this groups endeavors. You can learn more about UAINE and the truthful history of Plymouth and its Indians here: http://www.home.earthlink.net/~uainendom The press release below
was just received and If these events were
taking place anywhere but in America, However, it is happening
in American Native Country Please contact your
local congressperson and inform
August 27, 2001 From: Black Mesa support Press Conference Called to Address DESTRUCTION OF SACRED SUNDANCE SITE AT BIG MOUNTAIN, ARIZONA
Due to the crisis resulting from the destruction of a sacred sundance site, Camp Anna Mae at Big Mountain, Arizona, and continuing threats being made against the civil and religious rights of the people involved in those spiritual ceremonies, a panel of civil, traditional and religious leaders will be holding a press conference at 6 p.m. on Aug. 29, 2001, at Little America, 2515 Butler Ave., Flagstaff, Arizona. On Aug. 17 at 5:30 a.m., the Hopi Tribe's Land Team, with assisitance from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Navajo County Sheriff's department, raided the Camp Anna Mae sundance site with up to 60 officers, a bulldozer, a backhoe, chainsaws, and other equipment. Heavily armed for their assault, they brought ambulances along. Without warning or warrant, the ceremonial site was invaded. The sundance tree was torn down and shredded, the entire site bulldozed, including the sweat lodges, and two people were arrested and taken to jail for interferring, even though there was no proof given of the legality of the action. In view of the ongoing conflicts between the Navajo and the Hopi Tribal Council and the potential this incident presents for an escalation of violence, this is a matter of great urgency. We sincerely hope that you will attend this press conference.
For More Information contact: Berta Benally 520-527-1041
Black Mesa
Indigenous Support (BMIS) is a group of individuals acting to support
the sovereignty November 23, 2000 Thanksgiving Day in
Plymouth, Massachusetts, Sachem Walkingfox at the Thanksgiving Day gathering at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts. photos by Donna Jones
This was our first trip to participate in this annual event. It was a bitter cold day, but we were warmed by the spirit of those all around us who had come here today as we had, to lend support to those who maintain this vigil every year to assure that all Americans are aware of what the true meaning of Thanksgiving is for America's Native people. October 27, 2000 Forgive my obvious ignorance or perhaps, just lack of political awareness, but why is Ben Nighthorse, according to Mother Jones News, in their July 28th article/story about Tribal Politics, the only American Native in Congress? If there are American Natives on the Ballot in November, I sincerely hope that we will vote for them and begin a process of correction to this obvious dismal state of non-representation for Native people in this country. You may also wish to read the disturbing story in Mother Jones which reveals that although many Tribes are being offered their sacred property back by Museums, this may not be an entirely healthy prospect as these same artifacts have now become poisoned. October 13, 2000 This letter, which was
received this week, is posted,
blessings people of conscience i want to let those who care know that families at big mountain are suffering extreme hardship right now. bonnie whitesinger has asked me for assistance. food, children's clothing and cash are urgently needed to meet her family's basic needs. please help in any way possible. her address is: bonnie whitesinger p.o. box 1073 hotevilla, az 86030 helicopters have been harassing the people and a few weeks ago, one landed on a sacred site with 6 armed rangers getting out and walking around before they got in and took off. there is need for a permanent peace camp for human rights observers to be of service to the resisters. please contact me for more information: frontlinemom@yahoo.com livestock impoundment crews are at it again and confiscated some of jesse biakkedy's animals a few days ago. don't forget the people struggling to defend sacred land!!! in peaceful struggle, swaneagle hariajan Additional thoughts from this same source are here: September 18, 2000 This eloquent poem was received in a letter yesterday and as the content of it is reflective of many others received over the past year, with the authors consent, the letter and the poem are included here together, in these beautiful words from Africa. September, 2000 A tidy "official" press release from the BIA's Kevin Gover. This long overdue and much needed apology is a small step in the direction towards addressing over a hundred years of abuse and neglect of Native Americans at the hands of the US government. August, 2000 An online petition requesting a National Holiday for America's Native people has been forwarded to me, please read it and respond if you are in agreement. It has a few flaws, as do most of us, but it is a very important start in the right direction. All further updates to the Squaw issue in Maine, will be posted here for easier reading. The ongoing struggles of the Elders on the Navajo Reservation continue to dominate the news in Indian Country.
This home page for the Black Mesa Support Group, has a wealth of information about the Dineh people. February, 2000 The first issue to be addressed on this page, is one that is most important to both Sachem Walkingfox and I about a hurtful word. Kind permission was given by its author, Paul Carrier, of the Portland Press Herald to share this vital story about hurtful words.
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